Using Outlook Express Stationery

Stationery email files can be stored wherever you desire -- on some type of storage media such as a disk, CD, thumb or hard drive.  You may also decide to save it in folders created in Outlook Express (OE).
I would recommend creating a folder wherever you plan to save the stationery -- perhaps call it Charlotte's Stationery, & save my stationery there.  You may want to create sub-folders to further organize it into categories such as cats, flowers, people, etc.

When the stationery is saved outside of OE you can double click on the eml icon, add the message & send it & the original eml file will still be in the location where it was saved, ready to use again.

If the stationery is saved in a folder in OE, once the new message is added & the stationery is sent, the original file in OE will be gone.

So you may want to duplicate & save the original file in a folder in OE before editing & sending the stationery so you always have another copy in OE ready to go.

Each stationery is named but you may rename the file  -- just be sure to retain the eml file extension.

To use the email stationery: 

Click on the email file & it will open in Outlook Express.

The stationery will open ready to edit. Usually the easiest way to replace/edit the message is to double click on the text & type your message.

It is always a good idea to preview your message before sending it.

I hope this information has been helpful! ;-))


Page Created July 2007

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